Challenge 6
Parkfield Technology Team 2018-2019
Unfortunately we can’t make the final event, however here is a presentation we’d prepared showcasing all of our achievement this past year at Parkfield: Technology Team Final Presentation
Unfortunately we can’t make the final event, however here is a presentation we’d prepared showcasing all of our achievement this past year at Parkfield: Technology Team Final Presentation
This half-term we have done lots of exciting things: – We are enjoying live streaming some of our assemblies om Twitter for parents to watch like showcases of special theme days! – We have created another iMovie instruction video, this time explaining to teachers how to set up assignments in Read more…
This half-term we have shared on Twitter a poster of important e-safety rules we think children should follow. Here’s a post of our school e-safety rules that our #TechnologyTeam have created. — Parkfield Primary (@Parkfield) February 5, 2019 To further promote e-safety,we also helped out in a parent workshop Read more…
We are becoming more confident now controlling the laptop in assemblies and are enjoying tweeting photos of them. In a staff meeting, we showed the teachers some top tips for using some apps in their lessons:Twitter, Showbie and QR After. Many thanks to all the #TechnologyTeam pupils who stayed behind Read more…
In this half term we have started our roles for the year and were presented with badges in assembly.We introduced ourselves to the teachers in a staff meeting after school on 3rd,October showing them the link to the ‘pupil groups’ page on our schools website. We also created this poster Read more…