Our Digital Leader display board.

Leading our school assembly for pupils and staff.
We have been very busy completing Challenge 1. We started by creating an information sheet all about ourselves explaining why we wanted to be digital leaders and what our role was. In the corridor we put up a display for the rest of the school to see. We prepared an assembly where we introduced ourselves to pupils and staff. We have been helping out in assemblies by preparing the equipment and software and we set up the board and computer so that we could share our powerpoint. This week we are creating our own page on our school website.
Harrison (brimrod) · October 31, 2018 at 12:44 pm
We felt very proud presenting to the children and staff.
Roland (Brimrod) · October 31, 2018 at 12:45 pm
I felt nervous presenting my first assembly but I knew that I would do well.