Brimrod Primary – Challenge 3
What a busy week we had! We led two assemblies and invited parents along. In the afternoon we visited different classes and helped our Early years children to paint their own Smartie the penguin.
What a busy week we had! We led two assemblies and invited parents along. In the afternoon we visited different classes and helped our Early years children to paint their own Smartie the penguin.
This term we have appointed two new digital leaders. They have been very busy writing their profiles to add to our display board. We have updated our display board in the corridor and everyone knows who we are. During our first meeting we discussed what we wanted to achieve Read more…
We have worked really hard this term. Using Apple clips we took photos and videos of our Diversity week. We then created a short film adding in our voices and text.
Use the link to our Twitter page to see what we did.
We started this term by carrying out a survey to find out which Apps were being used in our classrooms. Our results showed that both teachers and children were not using many Apps and that staff did not know which Apps were good to use in the classroom. We decided Read more…
Over two days the whole school took part in activities linked to ‘Safer Internet Day’. We started our challenge by ensuring that all classrooms had an E-safety mascot. We took photos and made sure that all children could identify their mascots and talk about them. We then helped to Read more…
We have been really busy this term. In November we led an assembly during Anti bullying week. We shared a multimedia presentation on Cyber bullying which included text, pictures and videos. Cyberbullying We then held Scratch workshops for staff and children in Years 3 and 4. The staff were Read more…
Our Digital Leader display board.
Leading our school assembly for pupils and staff.
We have been very busy completing Challenge 1. We started by creating an information sheet all about ourselves explaining why we wanted to be digital leaders and what our role was. In the corridor we put up a display for the rest of the school to see. We prepared an assembly where we introduced ourselves to pupils and staff. We have been helping out in assemblies by preparing the equipment and software and we set up the board and computer so that we could share our powerpoint. This week we are creating our own page on our school website. (more…)