Challenge 1. Getting recognition by promoting the Digital Leaders. 

Bronze Level

  • Prepare and present an assembly to the whole school telling them who digital leaders are and what you do.
  • Help set up computing lessons across the school
  • Create a display in the school showing the school and visitors who the Digital Leaders are.
  • Create posters around your school publicising the new digital leaders and their role.

Silver Level                               

  • Prepare and present an assembly to the whole school telling them who digital leaders are and what you do.
  • Post a blog/article on ‘your school’ website and on the Digital Leaders page telling others what the digital leaders do and how you can help with computing in your school.

Gold Level

  • Silver criteria + facilitate a staff meeting (inviting governors) telling staff who you are and what you do.

Your first challenge is due on Wednesday 16th October.Good luck Digital Leaders!



Hanna · October 2, 2019 at 3:21 pm

I think a good digital leader would need to have good knowledge to technology. I also think that you need to be very loud ond confident towards assemblys and things like that. 🙂

Hopwood Digital Leaders · October 3, 2019 at 11:56 am

We are looking forward to our first challenge and seeing what everyone gets up to to complete this challenge.

Ben, Olivia, Chloe, George, Isabelle, Oliver, Ava and Jakub
Hopwood Digital Leaders

Ewanski · October 7, 2019 at 6:52 pm

I think a digital leader needs to know how to be safe online and to promote this within their school. A digital leader needs to be confident on the internet and to have a good all round knowledge and understanding of technology. They should then be able to communicate this to others, taking into account the language they use so that even young children know what they are talking about. They should also be able to present themselves and the information in a variety of ways, such as assemblies and posters!

Ellie · October 10, 2019 at 11:36 am

Hi! The other day me and Olivia created and designed posters and they are nearly finished. We are planning to put them up around our school, upstairs and downstairs.

Azeez · October 10, 2019 at 11:39 am

We’re are already finished our posters and we are very excited to start reading all the comments on the blog.

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