Challenge 2

Bronze Assist other classes/children develop their multimedia skills. Ask members of staff to help set up lessons and help children and staff with trouble shooting problems. Silver Create a multimedia document that is composed of multiple media elements of different types (text, image, video, etc) to raise awareness of a Read more…

Challenge 1

As newly appointed digital leaders (after a very tough audition challenge) we introduced ourselves to the school during an assembly. We also have designed posters using Bitmojis that look like us, outlining our skills so members of staff can come to us for support. We have already helped set up Read more…

Challenge 1

We all had a fabulous day welcoming all the other Digital Leaders to our school. The Bowlee Digital leaders did a wonderful job welcoming everyone to our school and are loving their new roles. We were very pleased to get a mention in our school’s newsletter. Olivia has already started Read more…


Our school website been updated with information about our Digital Leaders. You can see our video and other information from the link below:   Our Digital Leaders have been extremely busy creating their own multimedia presentations for Challenge 2.     They have also found the time to create new Read more…